
Global Exhibitions Day 2023

Global Exhibitions Day (GED) celebrates the 8th edition today. This year embracing the theme “We run the meeting places and marketplaces for everyone”.


GED recognizes the value and impact of physical exhibitions and business events not only in the local communities from industry players from 100 countries and regions worldwide.


GED 2023 highlights the impact of exhibitions on facilitating the communication and collaboration of all types of industries and marketplaces. Exhibitions are the bridge impacting the economy on local communities.


GED is an initiative driven by The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) and the largest day of awareness and advocacy for the exhibition industry.


M&SE supports the Global Exhibitions Day 2023!


#GED2023 #globalexhibitionsday #UFI #CEM #IAEE #CEMPhilippines #CEMroad #Philippines #strongtogether #exhibitions #tradefairs #exhibitionsbuildeconomies #exhibitionsandevents #tradeshows #exhibitionsmeanbusiness #meetingsandevents #events #businessevents #eventsph #eventsindustry #eventprofs #MICEPH #MICEProfessionals  #meetingplanners #thepowerofexhibitions #eventplanner #MICEandSpecialEvents #MICEandSpecialEventsPH
